Archive for buyocracy

The Great American Buyocracy

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , on September 6, 2010 by Sperenza Pegeen

Buying influence isn’t new to the American political scene. Gathering together to protest or to support causes incubated the American Revolution. Lobbyists have been a part of the American political scene before the Constitution was ratified. The practice started as an individual acting in the behalf of a specific group with a specific need. It developed into “consideration” being tied to the effort. Gifts were attached to the petitioning. Gifts became graft. The excesses of lobbyists created a concern which needed to be addressed by legislation. Today, lobbying is regulated by the Lobbying Disclosure Act. Under this regulation, a “lobbyist” is legally defined and is required to disclose clients, “gifts” and issues. However, the Lobbying Disclosure Act exempts lobbying efforts conducted by grassroot and religious organization.

The influence of the Koch brothers and their affiliate foundations is getting press. Koch-controlled funds are being used to sway the California electorate to pass Proposition 23 which calls for the suspension of certain environmental greenhouse gas caps. The Church of the Latter Day Saints was instrumental in the defeat of California’s Proposition 8 concerning same sex marriage. On a national level, organizations such as “The American Christian Lobbyists Association” sponsor grassroot organizations to influence the defeat of legislation which may even tangentially address perceived threats to marriage, Roe v Wade sanctions and stem cell research. Their opposition ignores any of the proposed legislation’s greater benefit to the public at large. Hmm.. And grassroots and religious organization are exempted from regulation by the Lobbying Disclosure Act ? Interesting.

The American democratic process is being derailed by those who can garner funds to influence the system for their own gain. They operate in the shadows and across political boundaries of congressional districts. Using a web of interlocking organizations, they appear to have a larger base than they do – a mouse magnified to elephantine proportions in a fun house mirror.  These interests are  setting up a confrontation of David  (the local electorate concerned with local quality of life issues) with Goliath  (national well-funded groups espousing a political agenda.)  Yes, David won, but he didn’t have the Philistines running around his back distributing salt and bread to garner supporters who to keep David away from the field of combat or to sabotage steal his slingshot.

Oklahoma’s native son and humorist once said that America had the best political system that money could buy. In these turbulent days, the American Democracy is transforming into the American Buyocracy, where only those with funding feast on the fruits of freedom.